SDSPS Poetry Walk Tour Was a Success!

On Friday September 23rd, in the afternoon, a sizeable group gathered in downtown Brookings to celebrate the installation of the poetry walk. We walked from permanent plaque to permanent plaque while SDSPS board members and two of our former poet laureates read bios and poems from all the former SD poet laureates. It was a chilly afternoon, but we were warmed by the beautiful words and each other's company :)

We started at Badger Clark's poem, which Bruce read with all the gusto the poem should be read with!

Former Poet Laureate Dave Allen Evans reading his poem on the walk!

Betty Beer introducing the former Poet Laureate Christine Stewart-Nuñez, who read her poem outside Kool Beans.

Here's what the plaques look like. They add so much beauty to an already beautiful downtown :) Make sure to check them all out when you're in town next!


What SDSPS Means to Me by Dana Yost


Festival of Books Door Prize