38th Annual SDSPS Contest
We are taking submissions in several categories for our annual poetry contest. Prize-winning poems will be published in our literary magazine, Pasque Petals. Non-winning entries may be considered for publication in Pasque Petals by the editor, with contestants' permission. The fees, awards, and categories are as follows:FEES$5.00 PER POEM FOR CATEGORY #1 FROM ALL ENTRANTS$10.00 PER SDSPS MEMBER FOR ALL CATEGORIES COMBINED(category 1 not included)$15.OO PER NON-MEMBER FOR ALL CATEGORIES COMBINED(category 1 not included)PRIZESGRAND PRIZE FOR CATEGORY #1 $50, $40, $30, PLUS HMALL OTHER CATEGORIES: $25, $15, $10, PLUS Honorable MentionsREADER’S CHOICE AWARD: $50 SELECTED BY PASQUE PETAL READERSCATEGORIES and SPONSORS1. GRAND PRIZE--FEE:$5 PER POEM, ANY NUMBER OF ENTRIESPoet’s Choice, 50 line limit, (SDSPS)2. SD Woman Who Made a Difference, free verse (Dakota Discovery Museum)3. Animal Poem, (Dave Evans, SD Poet Laureate)4. Twenty-first Century Farming, any form, (SD Pork Producers)5. Social Media, (Faulkton Area Art Council)6. Theme: "The Mighty Mo", (Yankton Art council)7. Dark Poetry, any form, (Darkling Publications)8. Zip code poem, example (57104), (SDSPS Board Members)9. “On Writing Poetry", any form, but must be serious advice on how to write a poem, pitfalls of bad poetry, or how to invite the muse(s) into one's writing, (Cindy Stupnik)10. South Dakota Landscape, (Deborah Gangloff)SUBMISSION GUIDELINESDeadline: November 1, 2013Mail entries and fees to: Dorianne Schmidt, 6113 N. Mineral Ave, Sioux Falls SD 57104If you have questions, contact Dorianne at andthentherewere12@yahoo.com or 605-366-16161. Poems must be original, unpublished, and have won no more than $10 in a previous contest.2. Poets may send multiple entries for category #1. Send no more than one poem for each category #2-#103. No poem may be entered in more than one category.4. Except where noted, length is limited to 40 lines.5. All poems except haiku and tanka must be titled.6. Send two copies with the category in the upper left of both. Poet’s name, e-mail and address should be only on one copy in the upper right.7. For a list of winners, please provide your e-mail address to avoid postage. If you are one of the winners, you may later be asked to send a copy of your poem electronically.8. Sponsors may enter their own category.9. Zip code rules are as follos: "Write a poem of five lines, each line having the number of syllables as the numbers in your zip code, arranged in order of the numbers in the code. If your zip code has a zero in it, you'd write just 4 lines. More zeroes = fewer lines.”Please note: Failure to follow the rules or category specifications will disqualify your poem and forfeit the entry fee(s).We look forward to reading your entries!